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The poster of this Marathi play is interesting and romantic Spirit- a new play written by Vijay Nikam will debut on the stage on 22 October on the occasion of Dasara. Prashant Damle A one act play outlining a Mexican revolutionary and the most prolific female Painter of her times have been selected for the Strawberry, a new passionate love story will be unfolding on the stage very soon. It is impossible to separate Marathi theatre from the culture of Maharashtra Sangeet Sanshaykallol, a milestone in Marathi theatre will be revived on the stage by Prashant Damle Fan Foundation in a new avatar. The televised show of this The play is directed by Kedar Shinde and has become The history of Marathi theatre goes back for almost years now. The play is written Zee Natya Gaurav, an annual event where excellence of the theatre is honored with prestigious award took place recently.